
Trends Business Information

Trends Business Information is the B2B business information department of Roularta Media Group.

Our vision

As an entrepreneur, you face three major challenges:

  • Maintaining a strong cash position and avoiding unpaid invoices
  • Finding the right prospects to boost your sales
  • Creating sufficient visibility among potential customers and strengthening your network 

This is the strong base you need for sustainable growth.

Our mission

As a knowledge centre, Trends Business Information plays a facilitating role, helping you to achieve your financial and sales goals

  • We transform information from official and exclusive sources into relevant insights, going beyond open data.
  • We make sure that you find what you are looking for when you are looking for it, get a reliable idea of your business contacts, and avoid unpleasant surprises.
  • We direct you to the right leads, with handy webtools, personalisation, or direct business process integration.
  • We offer you an effective communication platform ensuring you are found, both in print and online as well as during exclusive networking opportunities.

This combination of information, tools and visibility is unique in Belgium.

Our strategy

We achieve our mission by applying the five business values of Roularta Media Group as follows:

  1. Passion for consumers
    What we have in common with our customers? Lots of pride and passion for reliable information as a source of inspiration. Fact not fake. Finding and being found. Connecting and being connected. We want to play a facilitating role for your business.

  2. Go for brand and quality
    The greatest feedback we get from our customers is that they chose us because we offer excellent service and quality at a good price. We start where quantity ends. In line with our brand name, Trends Business Information. Because that is what our customers expect from us. And rightfully so.

  3. Strive for value, innovation, and growth
    Our favourite occupation? Discussing how we can quickly convert hard data into added value. How we can connect entrepreneurs even more easily. This doesn’t necessarily require spectacular inventions. Because reinvention can also be ingenious.

  4. See every challenge as an opportunity
    Trends Business Information continues to be a reference in today’s fast-paced, challenging market, thanks to our healthy realism in an age of disruption. Because if it seems too good to be true, it often also is.

  5. One team, one family
    We find it important that our experienced specialists and new employees feel happy and appreciated at work because this helps us make your customer journey more pleasant.


