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Access control and security installations
Advertising (not agencies)
Advertising agencies
Agents & representatives of artists, sportsmen,...
Agricultural and forestry machines, manufacture and sale
Agricultural raw materials and animal fodder (no seeds)
Agriculture and seeds, farms, agricultural contractors
Air-conditioning and refrigeration, ventilation
Aircraft construction and maintenance
Antiques and second-hand goods
Sector Partner:
Architect's firms
Archive management, systems and destruction
Art events, promotion and organization
Art trade
Art, artists
Artificial fibres
Audio-visual equipment, retail and rent
Audio-visual productions
Sector Partner:
Aviation transport
Cable tv
Cables and connections, manufacturing and trade
Cameras and photographic equipment
Car maintenance and repair
Car parks, parking lots
Carpet industry and retail
Cars & trucks, parts and accessories
Cars, manufacturing
Cars, retail and garages
Carwash, truckwash
Catering, domestic caterers
Cement, poured concrete, lime and plaster
Chemical industry
Chemicals, wholesale
Child day-care
Chocolate and sweets
Sector Partner:
Cleaning companies
Cleaning materials, sale and manufacturing
Clothing, ready-made, retail
Clubs and associations
Coal and other solid fuels
Coffee and tea
Collecting agencies
Company vehicles, trucks, busses - industry
Company vehicles, trucks, busses - sale and maintenance
Computers and office equipment, copiers, manufacturing
Computers and office equipment, copiers, retail and renting
Sector Partner:
Construction companies, contractors
Construction materials, production
Construction materials, retail
Construction of boilers and silos
Consulting and service agencies
Sector Partner:
Consulting engineers and design bureaus
Container transport
Containers, manufacturing, repair, sale & renting
Conveyer belts (construction, sale, installation)
Coordination centres
Cotton industry
Sector Partner:
Courier services and express delivery
Heating, manufacturing & sale
Sector Partner:
Heavy plant, lift trucks, working platforms, manufacturing
Sector Partner:
Heavy plant, lift trucks, working platforms, retail
Hoisting material (belts, cables)
Holding companies
Horticulture, laying-out of gardens, flowers, plants
Hospitals and clinics
Hotels, accommodation centres and other facilities
Household furnishings, paint products, floor and wall covering, retail
Sector Partner:
Human Resources Management, search and selection, outplacement, placement
ICT - Informatics: services, consultancy, software
Implements, manufacturing
Implements, sale
Independent government-owned companies
Industrial cleaning - systems, articles and products
Industrial designers, technical draughtsmen
Industrial maintenance
Industrial medicine and similar services
Industrial organizations and employers' federations
Inland and sea shipping
Inspection and assessment
Installation sanitary fittings, plumbing
Sector Partner:
Installation, electricity
Installation, heating
Installation, insulation
Installation, other or more than one speciality
Insurance brokers
Insurance companies
Interior architects
Intermediation in the purchase of real estate
Internet software and webdesign
Laboratories - other
Land surveyors
Landscape architecture
Laundries, dyers, dry cleaning
Sector Partner:
Lawyer's offices, legal services & notary offices
Laying of floor and wall covering
Sector Partner:
Leather goods and shoes, manufacturing
Leather goods and shoes, retail
Leisure, cinemas etc.
Lighting, manufacture and sale
Linen, hemp, jute and silk
Live animals, cattle trade, breeding farms
Painting and wall papering
Paper industry and trading
Party material, sale and renting
Patrimony companies
Payroll-processing firms
Pension funds
Pets, food and accessories
Pharmaceutical industry
Pharmaceuticals, retail (no chemists)
Photographic laboratories
Photography, photographers
Plastic injection moulding
Political organizations
Precious metals, jewels, watches
Precision, measuring and regulating equipment, calibration
Printing offices
Private detectives
Professional associations and trade unions
Project design, window dressing and shop decoration
Project development
Public relations, communication
Public transport
Public works, road construction, water works
Pump and pumping systems
Sanitary fittings, manufacturing & sale
Screws, bolts, nuts and fastening materials
Seals, valves and cocks, sale and manufacturing
Securities houses and investment advice
Security, material, equipment, manufacturing, trade, rental
Seminars, congresses, banqueting rooms
Sheltered workshops
Ship supply
Sector Partner:
Shipping business, customs offices and organization of freight traffic
Social insurance, national health services, health insurance, social security
Social work, welfare, social services
Sports and fitness centres, sports clubs and organizations
Sports goods
Stand building
Steel and steel products
Sector Partner:
Storing equipment
Street furniture
Sugar industry
Support to arts
Surface treatment and coating
Surveillance companies
Sector Partner:
Switches, switch cabinets, switching panels
Tank transport
Telecommunication, telephone services
Telemarketing, teleservices, callcenters, contactcenters
Telephones and switchboards
Temperature controlled transport
Temporary employment agencies
Textile industry
Textile processing
Textiles, retail
Time registration
Tourism, travel
Trailers and caravans
Sector Partner:
Translating agencies, copywriting
Transport by tip up trucks
Transport of living animals
Sector Partner:
Transport: general or several specialities, logistics
Transshipment and storage of goods
Sector Partner:
Tree cultivation, forestry and forest development
Tubes, pipes and pipelines, manufacturing
Tubes, pipes and pipelines, sale
Typesetting, photogravure, prepress
Tyre centres